End-user engagement
Why joining CTS Stakeholders?
Its free, no obligations and we offer quite a lot!
Stakeholders will be informed about the progress of the project and about the direct ship injection technology, an alternative to conventional ship transport and offshore injection.
Stakeholders will consult the team developing the scenarios to make them more realistic. The scenarios will be then tailored according to their strategy and future approach to decarbonization and CCS.
As a result, industry gets a techno-economic analysis for specific industrial clusters considering different options to support the CCS plans at no cost! Traditional transport (pipeline and ship) and direct ship injection will be compared and assessed to provide the most cost-effective and technically feasible solution.
Industry Events and Consortia Meetings
We will arrange industry events coupled to consortia meetings, facilitating engagement with key players across the sector.
Additionally, meetings with NGOs and government players can be arranged where there is sufficient interest. Special focus can be set to the potential pilot regions.
Regional Stakeholder Mapping and Engagement
Our efforts will include mapping stakeholders in the regions and organizing local meetings.
At the industry events/regional stakeholder events, findings and updates of the project will be presented. Industry feedback will be solicited to refine the project's development, address regional scenarios and assess the needs and potential for direct ship injection implementation at the regional level in the future.