Techno-economic and life cycle analysis
The scenarios created will be subject to LCA/TEA (Life Cycle Analysis / Techno Economic Analysis). KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) like CO2 avoided, costs per ton stored will be calculated and analyzed. The results of the analysis will be compatible with the ones in StrategyCCUS project, where available. The main idea is to be able to compare the scenario with injection from ship to the ones without to identify the advantages of the technology from the point of view of costs and mobilization of other industrial actors. The analysis will address peculiarities of ship injection technology, its advantages and disadvantages, if any, in its full life cycle implementation.​​
For each of the selected scenarios, a techno-economic evaluation will be performed. KPIs for all scenarios will be:
Cumulative CAPEX/OPEX
CO2 avoided
Cost per CO2 avoided
Energy costs due to CTS
Costs by CO2 avoided due to the CTS component, etc.
The costs of transportation and injection by ship will be estimated based on several factors, including:
The amount of CO2 to be transported
Navigational conditions (which may require different types of ships)
Costs associated with charge and discharge facilities at ports
CO2 reconditioning
Intermediate storage facilities at ports, etc.​​​
Concept of the ship as presented by NEMO Maritime
Regional challenges, drivers, and recommendations
Based on the above-mentioned techno-economic scenarios, the challenges and drivers that define the advantages and disadvantages of the CTS in each of the studied regions will be identified. Recommendations will be given to each region to facilitate the adoption of direct injection from ship based on regional conditions. An analysis of the offshore storage conditions will be conducted in other parts of the Europe (e.g. Mediterranean sea) to understand the opportunities that the direct injection from ship may have in other places.
Life cycle assessment integration
Life-cycle assessment will be conducted in direct connection with the TEA of the previous task with updating project`s OPEX and CAPEX. The LCA will be conducted for the regions where a pilot is foreseen and aim at identifying the key factors of the different life-cycle steps of transport and injection from ship in those regions. LCAs in other studied regions will also be carried out if sufficient data is available.
The LCA will focus on comparing direct injection from ship with traditional approach looking on:
options for different CO2 volumes depending on the supply-demand balance, as well as technical solutions (production of new equipment / ships vs modernization of existing ones);
peculiarities of technology implementation in different geographic conditions.
Sensitivity analyses and parameters identification
Sensitivity analyses will be performed to identify the most influential parameters (including the common ones) affecting scenario KPIs such as environmental impact in general, abated CO2 volumes and overall storage costs per ton. The assessment will also help determine cut-off values of these parameters from point of view of applicability of direct injection from ship.
Regional assessments and risk identification
Assessment for different regions will identify the risks associated with early stages of realization and together with a probability assessment of key technical and economic parameters will be used to create decision trees pathing the way for implementation of CCS in selected regions. Analysis of common and peculiar aspects of regional scenarios will contribute to future scalability and applicability in other European regions.