Supporting further development
Conceptual well design
Preparing a high-level well design and evaluating well design concepts with pros & cons and risk evaluation for the various design concepts. A possibility of re-using of existing O&G wells will be considered. Based on the designs and the layouts a high-level budgets for CAPEX part of the selected conceptual designs in different geographical areas will be prepared. Finally, an overall assessment of the techno-commercial feasibility of establishing CO2 injection in each area of interest based on a subsurface and wells perspective will be done.
Optimisation of the intermittent injection scenarios
For the most ripe scenarios and based on the existing models a simulation optimization study will be carried out. The goal of this study is to find optimal injection schemes, well placement and regimes from the point of view of increasing storage volumes and reducing overall costs. The findings done in this task based on the two geographical locations will also be extrapolated to estimate an optimization potential in other CTS regions. The task starts relatively early in the project and continues parallel to WP3 in order to support TEA / LCA with reservoir modelling work.